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mercredi 1 juillet 2015

Implementing Lean in Distribution Free $99 100% off

Learn how to apply Lean manufacturing principles to distribution, logistics, and supply chain operations. Course Description Th... thumbnail 1 summary

Learn how to apply Lean manufacturing principles to distribution, logistics, and supply chain operations.

Course Description

This course, Implementing Lean in Distribution, is based on many successful Lean implementations I have participated in and lead. The primary driver for these implementations was addressing today and future's challenges in customer service and distribution. The course provides a set of the issues and drivers leading to the design for a Lean approach that simultaneously reduces costs and inventory while improving customer service. In this way, the Lean Distribution approach has been market tested and proven to deliver results by leveraging the Lean concepts of Pull, kanban, cycle time reduction, and buffer against variation.
The Lean Distribution approach is described using a number of analogies. Each analogy is meant to describe how and why Lean provides a solution to a fairly knotty problem. Terms are defined when introduced and described in the relationship to distribution. You should be able to follow along with the framework and solution approach, as well as what should occur in the plant/warehouse or at your suppliers to enable these distribution changes.
The Lean Distribution framework provides a comprehensive and cross-industry guidance to the Lean journey. It starts with the business trends and drivers leading to the need for new approaches in distribution and then uses customer service expectations to initiate the Lean design. A Lean transformation designs processes according to how growth, profits, and customer service can be optimized.
Content and Overview:
This course contains 30 lectures, 6 hours of content organized in 10 areas. It's designed for 1) managers and professionals who are in the day-to day operational processes and strive to improve these processes; 2) students who are considering career in distribution and logistics; 3) executives who want to gain perspectives on the reasons to embrace the change toward lean distribution.
The content areas include:
  • The Lean Change in Distribution
  • Lean Distribution Framework and Distribution Challenges
  • Optimizing Distribution – Technology, Costs, Inventory, Assets
  • Distribution Business Processes and ERP Transformation
  • Lean Operating Capabilities
  • Customer Service – Policies and Strategies
  • Buffer Strategies
  • Replenishment Cycles and Costs
  • Pull Approach and Inventory Targets
  • Planning Transformation and Implementing Lean Approach
By the end of this course, you'll have gained valuable knowledge and skills that will help you assess current distribution practices and paradigms to enable greater flexibility and lower costs; apply an approach based on Lean manufacturing to streamline and optimize product flow, reduce costs and inventory, and improve customer service; design processes in a way to optimize growth, profits, and customer service; make a transition from a forecast-driven process to Lean-based Pull with a combination of buffer inventory, replenishment processes, and Pull-based execution.

What are the requirements?

  • Basic understanding of Lean concepts and practices.
  • Computer and Internet.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 30 lectures and 6 hours of content!
  • You will be able to assess current distribution practices and paradigms to enable greater flexibility and lower costs.
  • You will understand and learn how to apply an approach based on Lean manufacturing to streamline and optimize product flow, enabling a simpler customer service and inventory replenishment model.
  • You will be able to design processes in a way to optimize growth, profits, and customer service.
  • You will be able to apply a Lean approach that simultaneously reduces costs and inventory while improving customer service.
  • You will have gained the skills to make a transition from a forecast-driven process to Lean-based Pull with a combination of buffer inventory, replenishment processes, and Pull-based execution.

What is the target audience?

  • The course is designed for managers and professionals who are in the day-to day operational processes and strive to improve these processes.
  • The course is designed for students who are considering career in distribution and logistics.
  • The course is designed for executives who want to gain perspectives on the reasons to embrace the change toward lean distribution.

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